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Mitsuzakura's Profile
The following text is a slightly modified machine translation and may have some unnatural parts.
==Profile of Mitsuzakura==
I am from Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture, and live in Yokohama City. Shimane material is prepared at the end of the year and in the summer. I am interested in oral literature and Kagura. Both are sub-genres of folklore.
This website mainly deals with legends from the Iwami region of Shimane prefecture. In fact, it's just a path that local historians have carved out. I do not have any specialized or systematic knowledge. I often notice mistakes and correct them later. It is like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. However, I am looking forward to rediscovering it, and it may be meaningful to post it online with a color photo along with a list of sources.
I graduated from the Faculty of Law at the university, but I didn't understand positive law, so I think it's at the level of general education. I wish I had gone to the Faculty of Letters, in this case, but then I wouldn't have been able to get a job. I have never written a thesis, so it is a compensatory act.
Since my maternal grandfather is from Kushiro-Town, Hamada City, there may be a drop of blood from the ancient Kushiro tribe. My registered domicile is called Saigato. It is a boundary land.
I've almost finished writing the article in Japanese, but I realized that Google Translate and weblio Translate can be used unexpectedly, so I decided to translate the article into English. The article is being rewritten.
My car is an old Honda HR-V. This crossover vehicle (FF car) travels around Shimane prefecture, but I think the limit is up to the Iwami region. Izumo seems to be a little far away, and when I visited Susa Shrine and Hinomisaki Shrine, I was exhausted.
I am vulnerable to catalog specifications and feel the value of being small, so I have a habit of being attracted to products with such a concept. For example, in terms of digital cameras, it is Micro Four Thirds.
This website contains a mixture of old photos taken with compact digital cameras (Canon IXY DIGITAL 200a, Panasonic ZX1, FH5) and new photos taken with Panasonic G3 + 12-35mm F2.8. I'm thinking of replacing it with a new one, but there are many places where I haven't taken the scenery other than the shrine with a mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera. After all there is a difference in image quality.
The photo with an aspect ratio of 3: 2 is taken with Pentax K-01 + Tamron 17-50mm F2.8.
The digital cameras currently in use are Panasonic GX7mk2 + 7-14mm F4, 12-35mm F2.8, 35-100mm F2.8 and Pentax KP + Tamron 17-50mm F2.8 + Sigma 18-200mm, Tamron 28-300mm. And the Sigma dp1 Quattro. The Pentax KP is a high-quality SLR camera with an optical viewfinder equipped with a pentaprism. The Sigma dp1 Quattro is a well-established model for high resolution.
The image quality of APS-C is slightly better. If APS-C is a standard image, Micro Four Thirds is a little inferior. However, the 4: 3 aspect ratio is better for uploading to the website, because I specify the thumbnail size myself. In any case, the image quality is sufficient.
The title of the website is "Hirokoji (Broad Street)", which is Hirokoji in Ebisu-Town, Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture. When I was in elementary school, I went on an excursion to Hamada fishing port, but on the way back I approached Hirokoji. When I turned the corner, I felt like I lost my sense of direction for a moment. It is also said that it was because it was organized in the town division of the Edo period. I remembered that, so I decided on the concept of "being quietly open on the back street of Hirokoji."

Hirokoji in Ebisu Town Hamada City

Hirokoji in Ebisu Town Hamada City
当ホームページでは主に島根県石見地方の伝説を取り上げています。 実のところ、地元の郷土史家が切り開いた道を辿っているだけです。特に専門的・体系的な知識は持ち合わせておりません。泥縄式なので、後で間違いに気づいて修正することも度々です。 でも、再発見する楽しみもありますし、出典一覧と併せてカラー写真つきでネットに上げたことは意味があるかもしれません。
当WEBサイトではコンパクトデジタルカメラ(キヤノンIXY DIGITAL 200a、パナソニックZX1、FH5)で撮った古い写真とパナソニックG3+12-35㎜F2.8で撮った新しい写真とが混在しています。いずれ新しい写真に差し替えようと思っているのですが、神社以外の景色はまだミラーレス一眼で撮っていない所が多いです。やはり画質に差があります。