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The following text is a slightly modified machine translation and may have some unnatural parts.
In Oda City, Shimane Prefecture, there are YamabeYashirohime-no-Mikoto Shrine in Kuri, Kuri town and Niiya, Oshiro town, both of which are candidates for Shikinai Shrine. Kuri town is closer to the city. Regarding the YamabeYashirohime, it seems that the interpretation of the deity is divided into several parts.

YamabeYashirohime-no-Mikoto Shrine at Niiya

YamabeYashirohime-no-Mikoto Shrine at Kuri
==Interpretation of the deity==
The current deity is Amaterasu, but who is YamabeYashirohime? The interpretation is as follows.
- ・ Amaterasu
- ・ What is simply a local deity
- ・ What is supposed to be the empress of Okuninushi (Onamuchi)
- ・ TaketaOri
It seems to be separated from such.
TaketaOri seems to be the ancestor of Owari tribe, but I don't understand the connection between Oda City and Owari clan.
According to "Consideration of location of Iwami country Shikinai Shrines" by Muneo Fujii, a national scholar who was active in the Meiji era, Fujii estimates that YamabeYashirohime is the empress of Okuninushi.
The genealogy of YamabeYatsushirohime-no-mikoto Shrine in Kuri town states that "YamabeYatsushirohime is another name for Amaterasu." I think YamabeYashirohime is a shrine maiden who worships the sun, and her deity may have been absorbed by Amaterasu.
==Two shrines==
According to Akira Asayama's "Consideration of Iwami country Shikinai Shrines", the following is reported. The reason why the shrine is divided into Kuri, Kuri town and Niiya, Oshiro town is that the shrine was originally located on the mountain of Oe Takayama. However, because the mountain was steep and inconvenient for climbing, the parishioners at the western foot of the mountain built a village palace and changed the seating area. The shrine of Niiya, Yashiro village is the final settlement, and this is the former. However, the parishioners at the eastern foot of Mt. Oe Takayama had to cross the steep slope, so they built a village palace at the eastern foot. Then, this also moved from one place to another and finally moved to Kuri, Ano county.
Since the original shrine is on the mountain and it is inconvenient, it seems that neither is the Shikinai shrine because it was built as a village shrine. In fact, the YamabeYashirohime-no-mikoto Shrine in Niiya, Oshiro town has only a worship hall and no main shrine.

YamabeYashirohime-no-Mikoto Shrine at Niiya

YamabeYashirohime-no-Mikoto Shrine at Kuri
In writing this article, I referred to the web site "Memories of Genshoshi", which covered Shikinai Shrines nationwide.
Akira Asayama "Consideration of Iwami country Shikinai Shrines" is in the Shimane Prefectural Library, but I couldn't copy it due to various reasons, so I transcribed it with Pomera.
- * 『式内社調査報告 第二十一巻 山陰道4』(式内社研究会/編, 皇学館大学出版部, 1983)pp.839-845
- * 藤井宗雄「石見国式内神社在所考」『神祇全書 第5輯』(思文閣, 1971)
- * 朝山晧「石見國式社考」(三)『神光』第十号 48p.